Parasites in the human body: symptoms and treatment

Worms are widespread in modern society. Parasites enter the body quickly, you just have to think about hand hygiene or eat improperly processed food once. Therefore, almost every person at least once in their life faces the problem of parasites in the body.

Variants of parasite penetration into the body

Parasites appear in the body for a variety of reasons.

The most common ways for protozoa to enter the human body are as follows:

  1. Over land or water. . . Protozoa live in sand, earth, or infect water, from where they quickly enter the body through poorly washed food or in the absence of normal hand hygiene. This is the most common way of getting helminthiasis and usually affects young children.
  2. Direct contact. . . Some types of helminths can be transmitted by direct human contact with a patient who has helminthiasis. Normal handling sometimes leads to the appearance of parasites in the body. Direct contact causes the spread of worms from pets. That is why it is so important to monitor the health of younger brothers.
  3. Eat animal products. . . This includes meat and fish. If these foods are not properly processed or processed, worms from them quickly enter the human body. Consumption of raw meat and fish can also be a reason to add intestinal infection to helminthiasis, which greatly complicates the situation.
  4. Insect bites- This type of infection is not common today. But the likelihood of spreading helminthic invasion in this way exists.

Signs of parasites in the body

headache with parasites in the body

Signs of parasites in humans can be obvious or subtle. Obvious signs help to identify the problem in the initial phase and quickly think about its competent solution.

If such symptoms occur, you must see a doctor immediately and undergo a diagnostic examination to determine the type of helminths that have entered the body. Depending on the type of protozoan, the doctor prescribes medication to solve the problem.

Helminthic invasion can cause worsening of diseases that did not bother the patient before. As a result, the person begins treatment for other diseases, which does not bring results. This is a hidden course of helminthiasis.

abdominal pain and nausea with parasites in the body

Examples of latent flow are numerous, but most often worms can cause symptoms of such diseases:

  1. Frequent infectious diseases. They are the result of a weakened immune system because the parasites draw nutrients from the patient’s body and release toxins. As a result, the body finds it difficult to cope with infections, chronic diseases can worsen and inflammatory diseases develop. To make a correct diagnosis, it is very important to undergo a comprehensive examination, including tests for worms. Otherwise, any treatment that does not provide for the removal of protozoa from the body will not bring the expected results.
  2. General weakness in the background of severe intoxication. This is caused by a strong infection with helminths, which poison the body. The health condition significantly worsens, the patient suffers from migraines, weakness, nausea and vomiting. In this case, many people develop irritability and apathy.
  3. Allergy or skin pathology. These manifestations occur due to the fact that the body perceives waste products of helminths as allergens. It can be a rash, itching, severe skin rash.
  4. The fragility and dryness of the hair, nails, nails begin to peel, the skin on the heels cracks. It is also the result of body poisoning and lack of nutrients that helminth worms consume.
  5. Gastrointestinal problems. Manifestations of infection can be severe or manifest as mild nausea and morning vomiting. In any case, the appearance of such problems is a reason to consult a doctor.

Parasites in the human body: organs in which helminths are most common

Protozoa are localized in a specific place after penetrating the human body.

Symptoms of helminthiasis depending on the type of parasite

For each type of helminth, there are certain symptoms on the basis of which the doctor can suggest a diagnosis.

The diagnosis should be checked by tests and other types of examinations that allow you to determine the presence in the body of one or another type of worm.

ways of infecting parasites

Treatment of parasites in the human body

Despite the fact that the pharmacy has a wide range of anthelmintic drugs that are sold without a prescription, it is not recommended to self-medicate with the development of such a disease. For quick and efficient elimination of the problem, it is necessary to understand which type of protozoa entered the body and caused the problem.

Modern doctors use about 10 anthelmintic drugs in practice. But a certain drug is prescribed after passing all the tests. Indeed, some types of drugs act only on adults, while others contribute to the death of helminth larvae.

Worm infection brings many problems to children and adults. And, despite the fact that this disease is in most cases treated quickly and easily, it is better to prevent helminthiasis than to treat it later. To prevent the problem, it is necessary from time to time to carry out the prevention of helminthic invasion, adhere to hygiene and do not eat food of dubious quality. Simple rules will help you never know a problem called helminthiasis.